Volunteer Cord/PATHWAYos
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At Prairie High School encouraging our students the value of giving back to their community and others around them is invaluable. One way that we encourage our students to do that is through volunteering in their school, community, and/or religious organization.
There are many reasons for students to volunteer. Volunteering builds character and allows students to give back and see how they can positively give back and see what services are within their community. Also, college applications and scholarships are looking for well-rounded students with a variety of interests and experiences.
PHS students have the opportunity to participate in the Volunteer Service Award. This program recognizes our graduating students who have at least 180 hours of service in grades 10-12, and have hours in 2 of 3 areas of school, community, or religious organization. Recipients of this honor will receive a silver cord to be worn at graduation.
Students interested in this program need to contact Angela Amunson in the high school counseling office after their 1st day of 10th grade.
Volunteer Hours are tracked and verified by a program called PATHWAYos.
(All Transeo hours were transferred to PATHWAYos.)
Volunteer Cord Service Documents
- Volunteer Service Cord FAQ’s
- Step-by-Step Directions to log Volunteer Cord Hours
- Video on Volunteer Cord and Logging Hours
- Volunteer Opportunities in Our Community
All students will use this new platform to log and track volunteer hours towards their cord.
Students no longer need to have their hours pre-approved, but they do need to have someone verify ALL hours by email before the school will officially approve hours.
Angela Amunson aamunson@crprairie.org Counselor A-G
Michael Reshetar mireshetar@crprairie.org Counselor H-O
Clay Stoffer cstoffer@crprairie.org Counselor P-Z
Erin Hoffman ehoffman@crprairie.org Gifted & Talented Coordinator
Mary Gudenkauf mgudenkauf@crprairie.org Career Services Advisor